What is Pegasus Spywere? What is Pegasus? How does Pegasus work?

 What Is Pegasus Spywere ?

What is Pegasus? Pegasus Spywere is an Israeli spy software developed by NSO Group that is used to monitor activities related to terrorism and crime.

What is Pegasus Spywere? What is Pegasus? How does Pegasus work?

Pegasus Spywere is such a powerful virus which is installed in your phone by zero click vector without you even knowing it.

 So that can spy on your personal information and sensitive information . Pegasus is not a spywere but a cyber weapon .

 Which is being used by the Government of India to spy on prominent personalities including journalists, government, judges, politicians, it is an allegation on the Government of India 

 The indian Goverment misuse pegasus which is  against Indian Constitution and Democracy is . Do you know what is the Pegasus? How does Pegasus work? And what is the whole matter.

How Pegasus spywere Work In Phone How Pegasus works?

Pegasus Spywere gets all your information after it is installed on your phone.

 The specialty of Spywere is that it monitors every activity from the target user's device/phone. 

  This Pegasus Spywere is capable of listening to the user's call details, reading e-mail, reading WhatsApp messages, taking screenshots, reading text messages, browsing history, GPS location, accessing microphone and camera. 
This virus is easily installed on every device whether it is Apple , IOS, Android Phone  without the target user knowing.

What Is NSO Group ? Who is its customer of NSO Group?

NSO Group is an Israeli Surveillance Company that makes spying software like Pegasus Spywere related to cyber security.

 (NSO Group) NSO Group claims that this Pegasus spyware is sold only to the government,  and only those Government has authority to use pegasus , NSO Group does not use its own product. 

 NSO Group claims that Pegasus spyware is used to prevent terrorism and crime.

As per  NSO report So far this software has been sold to 40 countries and 60 intelligence agencies till now.

 According to the New York Times, the government of Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and India has used it to spy on journalists and social workers.

Saudi Arabia is accused of using the Pegasus virus to spy on Al Jazeera journalists.

How pegasus spywere Install In Phone? How does Pegasus get into the phone and how is Pegasus installed?

Pegasus spyware is installed in the phone through bugs and zero click vector . Know what is bugs?.

 Bugs are a type of security related  an error, flaw or fault in a computer programWhenever big companies like Apple, Microsoft launch any software. 

 At that time of lunching software  there are some security flaws present in that software, which are not even known to the companies And Developer of the software . This is also called zero -day vulnerability .

 Similar Kind of  bugs are detected by the ethical hackers of NSO and use them to their advantage. Pegasus Spywere virus is installed in your phone by one click vector and zero click vector   .


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Let's Know what is one click vector / Zero click vector Of Pegasus 

One Click Vector:

One click vector (One Click Vector ) in the division a message or email on your device / Phone which sent you a Link If you click on the Link to the virus is installed on your phone. 

 And this link connects your device to Pegasus software which is called Anonymizer which is a malicious website .

Zero Click Vector:

Pegasus Virus What is this powerful software which is installed in your phone by Zero Click . 

 Pegasus Spywere Virus is easily installed in your phone by missed call, message, notification and you do not even know that Aap Pegasus has become a victim of virus. 

Pegasus  is designed in such a way that even after giving a missed call to the target user, the virus is installed in his phone. 

And when Pegasus virus is installed, that missed call gets deleted from the call details of the target user.

 This is a kind of Encrypted Malicious Virus which hacks your phone .  

I Hope You like what is pegasus ?How does it work?  If you liked the article, do not forget to share it on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook. 


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